Revenue Rehab: It's like therapy, but for your funnel.

Emily Maxie

Emily Maxie Profile Photo


Emily is a builder who loves solving problems that no one has ever solved before. And one of the hardest problems B2B technology startups face is finding product-market fit. When you uncover the right fit between your target market and your product, it feels like magic. But without it, a good idea can die on the vine. Emily has led product-market fit strategy at two high-growth tech startups, resulting in five-year revenue growth of 1200% at Very, an Internet of Things consulting company, and successful Series A and B rounds for a total of $31.6M in funding at Skuid, a SaaS platform for customizing Salesforce applications.

During her career, Emily has held almost all key marketing roles as she grew from individual contributor to executive. She has built high-performing marketing teams from the ground up at three B2B tech startups, always focusing on scalability and agility. Emily believes in investing in her team members, providing each team member with structured career coaching and a customized career path. She has found that this approach improves retention and engagement and conveys to her team that she truly cares about their development. She actively mentors a variety of marketing leaders to help them build their confidence to advocate for their ideas and themselves.

June 29, 2022

Service-Market Fit: Mastering Market Fit Isn't Just for Product Orgs

This week Brandi Starr is joined by Emily Maxie, CMO at Very, to discuss Service-Market Fit. Emily is a builder who loves solving problems that no one has ever solved before. Emily has led product-market fit strategy at two high-growth …

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