Revenue Rehab: It's like therapy, but for your funnel.

Helen Baptist

Helen Baptist Profile Photo

Chief Operating Officer

As COO at PathFactory and a member of the Executive team, Ms. Baptist leads sales, marketing, partnerships and customer experience, responsible for all revenue and customer satisfaction. She is also the executive sponsor of the DE&I committee. Helen started her career as a secretary and has held numerous GTM team positions, including marketing, customer success, and business development, allowing her to bring an end-to-end view of the customer journey to playbooks she has developed and deployed.

Aug. 31, 2022

Un-Siloed: Leading a Single Revenue Team

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined Helen Baptist, a COO and member of the executive team at PathFactory.  Responsible for all revenue and customer satisfaction, Helen also leads sales, marketing, partnerships, and customer experience and...
Guest: Helen Baptist