Revenue Rehab: It's like therapy, but for your funnel.

Jen Anderson-Alonzi

Jen Anderson-Alonzi Profile Photo

VP & Sr Principal

Jen Anderson-Alonzi is a CMO and GM with nearly 20 years of experience in transformation, turnaround and scaling businesses. She started her career in management consulting, moved into B2B sales and then migrated into marketing and general management. She has built out more than half a dozen revenue organizations, turned around a failing enterprise, launched new products and divisions and scaled fledgling start-ups. She's currently an executive with Shift Paradigm, a marketing strategy and technology consulting firm that helps organizations solve the invisible problems that hurt performance, aligning them from top-to-bottom around growth.

Aug. 17, 2022

Meaningful Pipeline: More Spend is NOT the Answer

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined by Shift Paradigm VP & Sr Principal advisor Jen Anderson-Alonzi where they discuss Pipeline Strategies for CMOs. Jen Anderson-Alonzi is a CMO and GM with nearly 20 years of experience in...

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