Revenue Rehab: It's like therapy, but for your funnel.

Rolly Keenan

Rolly Keenan Profile Photo

Chief Revenue Officer

Rolly Keenan is a CRO who resides in Colorado. He is a born leader and the key growth specialist at Tegrita as our CRO. Rolly brings 25 years of diverse experiences at the likes of LinkedIn, Oracle, Gallup and the US Olympic Volleyball Teams. Graduating with his MBA  in Marketing from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, Rolly has had some unique experiences in his career including making over 500,000 cold calls and he has even spent time in training for high-stakes negotiation protocol for hostage situations. He is a partner to the wonderful, Veronica, and a father to six children and one dog, Nala.

Jan. 24, 2024

Tegrita at Ten: Innovations & Universal Lessons

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined by the rest of the Tegrita Executive team; Mike Geller, Rolly Keenan, and Max Stoddard.       Mike Geller is the cofounder of Tegrita and is the firm’s principal technologist. Mike...
Oct. 25, 2023

Email Fight Management: The Secret Engine Behind Email-Driven Growth

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined by Rolly Keenan, Chief Revenue Officer and Mike Doane, Sr. Client Engagement Manager at Tegrita. Rolly Keenan is a CRO who resides in Colorado. He is a born leader and the key growth specialist at Tegrita as...
Aug. 23, 2023

Revenue Takeover on Revenue Rehab: Author Discussion

This week our host Brandi Starr is joined by special guests, Mike Geller, President, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Tegrita and Rolly Keenan, Chief Revenue Officer at Tegrita.   Mike Geller, Rolly Keenan and Brandi Starr are...